Your Global Success

Expand, protect, and grow your business internationally.

Our Corporate Solutions

Navigating international markets requires more than just processing transactions. You need financial solutions that are fast, reliable, and transparent. This page is designed to grab your attention with dynamic visuals and interactive features, encouraging you to explore each area in detail. Whether you're looking to streamline payments, protect against currency risks, or secure funding, Dinheiro offers a tailored solutions to meet your business requirements.

Seamless Cross-Border Transactions

Trust us for innovative, reliable, and secure financial solutions to elevate your business.

Experience Unparalleled Business Solutions

Overseas Payments

Our platform streamlines financial operations, enhances efficiency, and drives growth with cutting-edge technology and tailored services.

Our advanced payment platform empowers your business to facilitate overseas payments in over 150+ different currencies, ensuring seamless and efficient international transactions.

With this extensive currency support, you can cater to a global customer base, providing them with the convenience of paying in their local currency.

Named Accounts

Our facility enables you to set up local named accounts that can accept over 36+ different currencies, providing unparalleled convenience for your overseas customers.

This feature allows you to streamline international transactions, reduce conversion fees, and offer your clients the ability to pay in their preferred currency.

Stay Protected from Market Volatility

Get Access to Risk Management Solutions

Safeguard your currency exposure with confidence

Forward Contracts

Our forward contract facilities allow businesses to lock in exchange rates for future transactions, protecting against currency fluctuations.

By securing rates in advance, you can confidently plan international payments, ensuring cost stability and mitigating foreign exchange risk. Ideal for managing large cross-border deals, our forward contracts provide a tailored solution to safeguard your profits and enhance financial predictability.

Market Orders

Our market orders tool lets you set target exchange rates for currency transactions. When the market hits your desired rate, the order automatically executes, maximizing your returns.

This tool offers greater control and flexibility, ensuring you capture the best rates without constant monitoring.

Fuel Your Business Expansion

Flexible Lending Options Tailored to You

Empower your growth with flexible lending facilities

Trade Finance

Our trade finance facilities provide essential funding for businesses engaged in international trade, helping to bridge cash flow gaps between shipping and payment.

With solutions such as trade finance and invoice financing, we ensure your suppliers are paid promptly while giving you extended payment terms. This boosts your working capital, reduces risk, and enhances global trade opportunities for your business.

Invoice Finance

Our invoice finance facilities unlock cash tied up in unpaid invoices, providing immediate working capital.

By advancing a percentage of your outstanding invoices, we help improve cash flow, reduce payment delays, and enable smoother business operations, all while you retain control of customer relationships.

Discuss Your Requirements Today